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Improving the value noise.


In this post, we'll improve the value noise we introduced last time in 3 steps :

  1. we'll improve the code for 1 dimension,
  2. we'll fractalize the noise,
  3. we'll extend the value noise in 2D, 3D, 4D.

With all the notions seen for the value noise, it will be considerably simpler to understand the next noises such as the Perlin Noise and the Simplex Noise.

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A first noise : the Value Noise


We've seen in the previous post that the noises we want have special properties. Here, we'll write a noise function that have those, called the value noise.

In this post, we'll see :

  1. how to have reproducible pseudo-random generator for integers,
  2. how to transform that into a smooth noise for real numbers with an interpolation,
  3. hot to make a simple implementation of this value noise in Rust.

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A small introduction to noise in informatics.


Just a small blog post to introduce the notion of noise, used particularly in texture synthesis for natural phenomenons. For this introduction, no need to have a mathematical background. In the next posts, I'll try to explain the maths behind noise functions, but that's for later.

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